Categorie: English

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Joost Overhoff (1955) began writing for a Dutch newspaper during his studies of Chinese Language and Modern Chinese History at the Beijing Languages Institute and the University of Beijing. After his law studies at the University of Amsterdam, he continued […]

It happened only recently. Suddenly, a book title reappeared in my head. Like an archaeological artifact, after a long time coming to the surface, there it was: ‘The walls came tumbling down’.

Details from Paradise La Volpe – The Fox There she was, in a box. I was flabbergasted. We knew her, alright, her family at least. Even though you rarely saw her, you knew she was out there, somewhere. So, her […]

CAPITOL OFFENSE Notes from overseas The storming of the Capitol was ‘nine-elevenish’, in the sense that, even though it happened far away, I couldn’t stop watching. Some thoughts and observations, during and after this event: * Fake news can cause […]

Terug MUSICAL WINE How long ago has it been, by now? A quarter of a century at least, since I first heard about the influence of music on plant & beast.I remember reading then that plants thrived best on the […]

Terug A MESSAGE from… A CAT Okay, this story isn’t exactly ‘News’. It didn’t happen today. But still, as the Italian shores are approached every day by rickety boats, overloaded with would be immigrants, it hasn’t lost anything of its […]

Terug At times, one can wish something even while knowing that such a wish will probably never be granted. Possibly just because of that improbability.One such wish I have for Italy. Every New Year I wish that country, where I […]