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Just before the Second World War, the world famous Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam was hastily dismantled. Some two thousand paintings, thirty thousand objects and three million prints and drawings disappeared underground.

Terug Blog 158. 11/9 So, after 9/11 we’re having 11/9…Okay, ‘it’ happened a day earlier, but it wasn’t until November 9th that we were faced with the unthinkable: Mr.President-Elect Donald Trump Just recently I came upon an old article, stating: […]

Terug Film review THE RED TURTLE An animation film by Michael Dudok de Wit When going to see a film one’s own feelings tend to ‘get in the way’, as you are always accompanied by yourself. Although those ‘own feelings’ […]

Terug A MESSAGE from… A CAT Okay, this story isn’t exactly ‘News’. It didn’t happen today. But still, as the Italian shores are approached every day by rickety boats, overloaded with would be immigrants, it hasn’t lost anything of its […]

Terug REMEMBERING TIANANMEN Twenty-five years have passed since that unforgettable day, the day the demonstrations on Beijing’s Tiananmen Square were crushed. Until then, the square had been known mostly for being incredibly large and unheavenly ugly. After it, ‘Tiananmen’ became […]

193. Switzerland 26-07-17 The Swiss, I know them, oh yes: The Swiss are rich and they listen to cuckoo clocks. Regularly. In fact, I think everything in Switzerland is regular. Everything in order for the mascot of the Swiss capital, […]

Afgelopen weekend vond in de Amsterdamse RAI een jaarlijkse happening plaats: de Fiets- en Wandelbeurs. En als ik denk aan fietsen én wandelen, dan springt er direct uit de hersenpan:

Bestaat er al een fanclub voor Bas van Werven? Die presentator van het TV-programma EénVandaag?